Obire Noni 400 mg 60 Capsules


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Noni 400 mg 60 Capsules
Noni 400 mg 60 Capsules


Helps to increase the defenses in a natural way.


Improves the immune system

Helps improve rheumatic or joint pain.

Contains xeronine, providing physical and mental energy.

It has detoxifying properties.

Anti-inflammatory of the skin, being useful in case of acne.

Participates in the regulation of blood pressure.

It helps in case of bad digestions.

Instructions for use:

As a dietary supplement take 3 capsules a day.


  • Reference8435041340396
  • MarqueObire
  • GammeObire Complementos Alimenticios

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Obire Noni 400 mg 60 Capsules

Noni 400 mg 60 Capsules

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